4 Types of Communication

4 Types of communication 

Hey there welcome to my blog. Today we are gonna be considering 4 types of communication.

First of all what is communication?
"Communication is the process of passing information from one person to another through various mediums".

There are four types of communication which will be treated in this blog post and they are

1. Intimate communication 

  Intimate communication is a kind of conmunication that exist between closely related persons. For example the kind of communication that exists between husband and wife. It is known as intimate communication. There are some kind of people that only intimate communication exists between them e.g Husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, closely related persons.

2. Business Communication 

 This is where most people who are into one business or the other are getting it wrong. They mistake business communication for intimate communication. For example, a man who is doing business suddenly sees his pastor in the church coming to buy something from him, then he takes because the pastor is close to him and then he tells the pastors not to pay for the goods or services that he bought. That mentality is totally wrong. The kind of communication that was supposed to exist between the business man and the pastor at that moment was supposed to be business communication and not intimate communication.
This is the reason why so many individuals fail in business. They take the transactions between them and their close ones to be intimate instead of business based communication. Forgetting that there is time for everything.
The reason why your business is failling is because you take almost every customer's communication to be intimate instead of business based communication.

Read Also : 7 Types of Pastors in Nigeria

3. Peripheral Communication 

This is a kind of communication that is suitable for individuals who are not compatible, in the sense that, they always quarrel over nothing. The best kind of communication suitable for both of them is peripheral communication. For example ;
Mr. A says hi, and Mr. B replies and says hi. And thats the end of their communication, nothing more, nothing less.

The reason why so many people quarrel often is because they extend their kind of communication from peripheral communication to intimate communication, at the end of the day, they will end up quarrelling over nothing.

4. Social Communication 

This is a kind of communication that is transferred from one person to another by virtue of social activities such as Singing, dancing, Comedy, drama, TV and radio presenting etc.
This kind of communication is mainly engaged in for the sake of entertainment.

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4 Types of Communication 4 Types of Communication Reviewed by Wonders Okpor on April 10, 2018 Rating: 5
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