What is masturbation and how can I Stop or Avoid it

What is masturbation and how can I Stop or Avoid it 

Hey there welcome to my blog. Now, we are gonna be considering Masturbation.

Key points to be considered are;

Ø      What is masturbation

Ø      How Masturbation is done

Ø      Who practices masturbation

Ø      Benefits of Masturbation

Ø      Effects of Masturbation

What is Masturbation?

            Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals for sexual arousal or other Sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm.


Masturbation is a process whereby a person practices sex with him or her self alone without the help of anybody.

But sometimes masturbation can be done with the use of other objects such as sex toys e.g wooden structure that looks like a man’s penis, it may either be wooden, rubber or plastic in nature. Others include washing machine, plastic bottles, spoons e.t.c

How masturbation is done

            Masturbation can be done in several ways sometimes masturbators (people who practice self sex) can just picture someone in their mind and they start masturbating. They may just start thinking of someone who they love and start masturbating.
            Some others just start banging on the bed, sex dolls, chairs and soft materials.

Who Practices Masturbation

            Anyone can practice masturbation as long as he or she has sexual organs. Now adays, you find young boys and girls practicing masturbation.
            Originally it was commonly practice by the singles who are due for marriage, because they have fully matured sexually. But it is now found among youths ranging from 14-20 years.

Benefits/ Advantages of Masturbation

            Masturbation is wrong biblically and also in the mind of an average human being. But it has lots of benefits that comes along with it. Here are a few;

  1. It reduces your chances of committing rape
  2. It reduce your chances of developing Prostrate cancer (Male)
  3. It releases you of sexual tension
  4. Masturbation increases sexual desire and sensitivity
  5. It makes you feel well
  6. it reduces stress
  7. Improves your self esteem and body image
  8. Strengthens muscle tone in your pelvic and anal areas

Effects of Masturbation

Masturbation comes along with several ailments. Some of them are listed below

  1. It can make you skip your day to day activities.
  2. It utters your time management
  3. Brings about guilt
  4. May lead to Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  5. Chronic masturbation may make you unmanly

How to stop or Avoid Masturbation

Masturbation is really a bad habit. Although, it has its own good sides, it still remains very bad. Once you have made masturbation an habit, it is really difficult to stop. The best thing is for you to avoid it now that you have not started at all.

So how do you avoid masturbation?

1. Stay away from pornography
    Distance yourself from anything that has to do with porn. Videos, Images, Stories et.c

2. Stay away from bad friends who always talk about masturbating/sex at a very early stage.

3. Never try to practice it at all, because once you start it is difficult to end.

If peradventure you have gotten deep into masturbation, then here are the things you can do to stop it

  1. Makeup your mind on stopping it                                                                                                The first thing you need to do is to make up your mind on stopping masturbation.

  1. Stop watching porn videos, pictures, stories, games e.t.c

  1. If possible, stop anything or stop seeing anyone that will lead you back to masturbation.

  1. Anytime the urge for masturbation comes just say these words “I will never go back to masturbation again”. Keep on saying it, and I bet you, you would stop masturbation in no time.

  1. Finally, if you are a chronic masturbator, then I suggest you invite God into the matter by prayer.

Thanks for reading, hope you have learnt a lot from this article. God Bless. Feel free to drop your questions in the comment box.

Thanks for sharing…
What is masturbation and how can I Stop or Avoid it What is masturbation and how can I Stop or Avoid it Reviewed by Wonders Okpor on April 19, 2018 Rating: 5
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